Sven Wassmer

With patience, per­se­ver­ance and the right feel­ing for the times and his sur­round­ings, Sven Wass­mer (born in 1986) has devel­oped his unmis­tak­able style with the prod­ucts of the Alps through­out his career and found a unique expres­sion of his culi­nary per­son­al­i­ty with his con­tem­po­rary, nature-ori­ent­ed cuisine. 

At the Sven Wass­mer Mem­o­ries“ restau­rant in the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, Wass­mer has reached his career’s (tem­po­rary) pin­na­cle. With a rat­ing of three stars in the Guide Miche­lin“, the Frick­tal native is one of the youngest chefs ever to belong to the small cir­cle of around 140 chefs world­wide with this top rat­ing. 18 points in the Gault­Mil­lau as well as oth­er awards are fur­ther signs of the qual­i­ty of his work.

Philosophy of Alpine Cuisine

Home is not a place but a feel­ing, they say. Con­nec­tion to where Sven Wass­mer lives is the foun­da­tion of his work as a chef and is a fun­da­men­tal start­ing point for all his ideas. 

The prod­ucts of the Alps and the nature of this fas­ci­nat­ing region, with its intense expres­sions in terms of sea­sons and cli­mat­ic changes, shape Wass­mer’s cui­sine. Where peo­ple, ani­mals and plants have to work hard for some­thing to grow and thrive, he finds the basis for his work